Useful packaging materials for starters in E-commerce

Top 3 most useful packaging materials for starters in E-commerce

Novice website owners face a number of problems when opening their first online store. There is product uploading, design preparation, legal clarification, marketing plan creation and advertising. If you do these things right, you’ll get to the point very quickly that you’ve already selected a good courier service and there’s nothing left to do but prepare and ship your orders.

We work with many beginners and quite a few very professional online stores, so we have a lot of experience in what a beginner website needs in terms of packaging technology.

Plenty of packaging is already available to everyone, and due to the bit of confusion, it’s important that you use exactly the packaging that the product requires.

This is important because, on the one hand, the product must arrive intact to the Customer, so that it can be satisfied. On the other hand, you cut yourself to unnecessary costs when there is a more efficient, value-for-money solution.

Plus, due to the lower total weight, you can save a lot on shipping costs.


Corrugated boxes: 

One of the most commonly used packaging materials, as after selecting the right size, we put the product in, even a small space filler, and it can be sealed. It is important to pay attention to the right size because it affects not only the security of the shipment but also the shipping cost. 

One of our most popular products.

They are available in many sizes, single wall or double wall. Generally, a single wall box is usually enough, but for heavy objects, it is worth choosing the double wall box.


  • Large selection of sizes, so you can choose exactly which one is good for you.·        
  • Maximum protection·        
  • Demanding look


  • In the initial stage, it requires more investment (space filler, adhesive tape), although as soon as the store starts, it is a small batch. 

Here you will find our corrugated boxes in many sizes!


Bubble mailers: 

The other popular and simple packaging material is the bubble mailer, officially an air-cushioned envelope. Like the corrugated boxes, we can choose the right one from several sizes, it is worth checking the internal size before choosing, as the shipment will end up there. Provides fast and secure packaging for lighter items. 


  • provides fast packaging most cases
  • provides enough protection for a light and less vulnerable product 


  • Not suitable for transporting heavy or fragile products 

Here you will find the bubble mailers in many sizes!


Bubble rolls & Stretch wrap

Bubble rolls wrapped in one or more layers around the shipment, it protects the product from external, light or moderate damage and scratches.

This type of packaging does not significantly increase the weight of the package. 

We recommend the stretch wrap for sealing everything, which, due to its name, is for stretching.

If the consignment is boxed or wrapped in foil, the stretch film helps to fix the packaging, holds the package tighter and prevents it from moving.  


  • Can be used for smaller and larger shipmentsNon-regular shaped products can also be packaged
  • The thickness is determined by you, so strong protection is also possible 


  • You also need a bubble roll and a stretch film at the same time to complete the packaging
  • Packaging time takes a little longer using these foils, but of course it depends on the size of the product.

See our bubble roll offer in many sizes

Stretch wrap clear, click here


At the end what you will definitely need? 

What would we do with packaging if we couldn’t cut to size in the meantime. It seems like a basic thing, but nonetheless, many people cut things with scissors, even though a good wallpaper knife can do wonders. And of course, don’t forget the tape dispenser, which is a huge invention.

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